Oral hygiene is important because tartar is not fun! Fortunately, good health! Healthier teeth are good for the body, but why? Healthy teeth and gums can lead to fewer dental problems, less gum disease, and less bad breath. If our oral health is not taken care of, we may lose teeth, especially as we age.

1.What is tartar?

Tartar is rough and porous, yellow or brown in color. Tartar is also called tartar, and it forms above and below the gum line. Tartar is a kind of dirt deposited on the teeth, and the dirt in turn can cause tooth discoloration. Certain foods can cause stains, such as blueberries, coffee, and other colorful foods.

2.How is tartar formed

Dental plaque and bacteria can damage tooth enamel and form tooth decay. If tartar is formed, removing it will be problematic. With age, the accumulation of these sediments will also increase. Plaque also carries bacteria, destroying the enamel on the teeth. If it stays on the teeth, it will harden into tartar, which needs to be removed.

The process of removing tower stones is called scaling. Special tools are used to remove tartar, and dentists are well-trained in the use of tartar.

Unfortunately, brushing your teeth twice a day will not remove plaque or prevent tartar, but flossing your mouth can help remove plaque between your teeth and drive away tartar. Once tartar has formed, a dentist or hygienist is the only choice. But how often should the patient go to wash the tartar? Depending on the patient’s condition, it is wise to see the dentist at least twice a year, or to do more checks based on the dentist’s evaluation.

3.How does tartar feel on the teeth?

Did you know that after regular tooth cleaning, your teeth will feel smooth and clean? Tartar (and sometimes plaque) feels just the opposite. When you lick your teeth with your tongue, you may feel their texture.

Tartar may not feel anything below the gum line, but you will feel its effects.

When tartar begins to accumulate, it is common for gums to be red and swollen with bleeding when flossing and brushing your teeth. With the accumulation of tartar and the shrinking of the gums, small pockets will also form in the gums to trap bacteria. As the condition progresses, this may lead to increased pain and even loose teeth.

4.Tips to prevent tartar from accumulating on teeth

As with many things, when tartar builds up quickly on the teeth, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of treatment. Here are 7 tips to prevent tartar buildup.

1) Brush and floss properly

Twice a day for 30 seconds is not enough to prevent tartar accumulation. Floss your teeth at least once every morning and evening for two full minutes. Use a soft brush and don’t forget to pay attention to the back of the molars.

Replace your toothbrush every two or three months (or when you find the end of the toothbrush is beginning to wear).

There is no doubt: flossing tartar is the key to preventing tartar accumulation. Even the most diligent toothbrush will not fit between the teeth. If traditional dental floss is difficult for you to use, you can use dental floss clamps, dental floss clamps or water floss clamps to touch the gap between the teeth.

2) Consider an electric toothbrush

Ask your dentist for recommendations for a high-quality electric toothbrush that can easily remove food and sticky plaque.

3) Use anti-tartar toothpaste

Help yourself with fluoride toothpaste that can control tartar. Triclosan is an ingredient in these toothpastes, and it can also help eliminate bacteria from dental plaque (additional benefit!)

4) Watch your diet

What foods can cause tartar to accumulate? Plaque and bacteria like sticky, sugary and starchy foods. Changing your diet to eliminate most (if not all) of these types of foods goes a long way towards building overall health.

Don’t drink soda, either, because soda contains a lot of acidic sugars, which can damage tooth enamel and cause tartar buildup. If you drink soda, use a straw for a while. Don’t drink soda or other acidic beverages all day , as this will expose your teeth for longer.

5) Use antibacterial, non-alcoholic mouthwash

Once you have brushed and flossed your teeth, the last step is to use an antibacterial mouthwash.

This helps kill the plaque-forming bacteria that are missed during brushing and flossing. Extra fluoride or mouthwash to control tartar also provides another layer of protection.

6) Quit smoking

So far, the harms of smoking and tobacco use have been fully proven, but many people do not know that smoking is more than just tooth pollution. Smoking doubles your risk of gum disease and prevents proper treatment. Any form of tobacco use-including e -cigarettes-will increase your chances of developing gum disease.

Quitting smoking may change your habits and provide the best return in terms of improving your overall health. It may be difficult, but quitting smoking can help a lot.

7) See the dentist regularly

Regular visits to the dentist can make a complete difference to your oral health. Having a good relationship with the dentist means that they can track any changes in your oral health and notice what is wrong.

In addition detects, if your dentist tartar accumulation early, they can treat it before it worsens or becomes more complicated. Early gum disease-gingivitis-can be treated with more diligent brushing and flossing. Regular visits to the dentist can help detect and prevent major problems with dental health.

5.How to remove tartar from teeth

Although dental plaque and sticky bacteria can be removed by proper brushing and flossing, once it hardens into tartar, only your dentist can safely remove it.

Regardless of whether the tartar is mild, you need to use a dental tool to scrape above the gums, or your gum disease is more serious and you need to have a deep cleaning of your teeth, it is important to make an appointment as soon as possible. Gum disease is associated with heart disease and other serious health complications. Healthy teeth are an important part of your overall health.


There are many things worth smiling, so keep smiling! Improve your overall dental health by staying away from tartar, increase your self-confidence, and the way you look in the mirror.