Can we make long zirconia implant bridges? The answer is yes in many cases, but in some big dental implant cases, long zirconia bridges are not suitable. Here are why and solutions.

1. Long zirconia bridges are not good choices in the cases below

dental impressions with 4 implants

dental impressions with 4 implants

Both of the above 2 are implant cases that need full arch bridges. We would admit that one long zirconia bridge is not a good idea for them. The reason is that there are only 4 implants (abutments) in each dental case. It is dangerous to make a long zirconia bridge. Zirconia bridges are strong and rigid, but they are not flexible or elastic at all. A zirconia bridge would probably break, if there were not enough supporting points.

Actually, a long PFM bridge is not a good idea either. There are only 4 implants. With a long PFM bridge, the porcelain on back teeth could crack due to the strong chewing force. The bridge would not function well. In some cases, even the implants would be pulled out, making the whole treatment a total failure.

2. Perfect alternative to long zirconia bridges

Pure titanium bar with zirconia crowns

Pure titanium bar with zirconia crowns

For such cases, the great solution is Malo bridges (a type of the All On 4 dental implants). It normally includes a CAD CAM pure titanium bar. And it often comes with individual crowns cemented onto the bar. We often use composite resin for the gum area. The crowns can be PFM, but mostly full zirconia crowns, because CAD CAM dental technology allows a precise and perfect anatomy.

3. Advantages of Malo bridges

Malo bridge: All on 4 dental implants

Malo bridge: All on 4 dental implants

Let’s look at the advantages of a Malo bridge:

1) Light weight — the whole bar is made of pure titanium. It is much more light-weight than a common long zirconia bridge.

2) Easy placement — Before shipment, we will cement all crowns onto the titanium bar. Doctors can just insert the whole bridge.

3) Easy repair — the titanium bar often comes with single crowns. If 1 or 2 crowns are broken, doctors can just remove them, and take an impression or a digital scan. Only broken crowns will be remade, instead of the whole bridge.

4) Super strong — there is a pure titanium bar (skeleton) to be a strong support.

5) Fewer implants — doctors only need 4 implants to make such a bridge. Patients do not need to suffer from having too many implants. Dentists spend less time on surgical operation.

6) Aesthetically appealing — with a common bridge, patients often complain that a bridge don’t look individual enough. With Malo bridges, the implant bar comes with single crowns cemented together.

4. Solutions for difficult implant dental cases

Solutions for difficult implant dental cases

Solutions for difficult implant dental cases

Our experienced technicians can also make the whole work nice, even if the dental case is with difficult implant positions. Simply text us and explore more solutions for your special dental work.