Dental implants are a life-changing experience. You can replace lost teeth with artificial teeth that look and feel like natural teeth. However, although the operation itself is in the hands of your dentist, there are many things you can do before and after the operation to ensure that the operation is successful.

1. Pre-Surgery Tips

Dental implant surgery requires more effort than just attending appointments. The day before the operation, you need to do the following things.

1) Quit smoking

If you smoke now, your dentist will want you to quit this habit before surgery. Your dentist may give you a suggested time to try to quit smoking one week before the operation and two weeks after the operation.

After a smoker undergoes dental implant surgery, if he continues to smoke, it is likely to cause dental implant failure. If you want the operation to be successful, you’d better get rid of this habit temporarily.

2) Arrange a ride

The tranquillizers used in dental implants can make you unconscious. Although you can drive to the appointment by yourself, you cannot drive home. Arrange for a friend or family member to take you to the doctor, because you may not be awake enough to drive home by yourself after the operation.

3) Don’t eat anything

Sedation also requires you to avoid eating and drinking within 8-12 hours before the operation so that you do not feel nauseous after the operation.

2. Post-Surgery Tips

Recovering from dental implants also needs to follow some simple techniques.

1) Put all medicines

Your dentist will provide guidance on what you should do after going home from the dental implant procedure. Be sure to follow their instructions, including taking medicine. The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to fight the underlying infection, which requires taking the full dose

This can be effective. Infection can cause the implant to fail, so take all medicines to fight it. In addition, if possible, it is best to prepare these prescriptions. If the dentist wants to give you a powerful painkiller, you will want to get it right away. Don’t wait until you start to feel the pain to dispense the medicine, because you can take these pills before the initial painkiller disappears.

2) Use ice bag

You will have swelling around your jaw and face after the operation, which is completely normal. You need to take steps to reduce the occurrence of swelling. Prepare an ice pack, which can be applied to the surgical site. In the first few days, just turn on and off the ice in a short period of time.

You don’t want to treat this area with heat. Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory substance, which can relieve pain and swell well. Hot compresses are most effective for chronic pain and muscle aches.

3) Rinse with saltwater

A key to a healthy recovery is to keep the surgical site clean during the healing process. Rinse with saltwater throughout the day. All you need to do is to add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water, stir well, rinse in your mouth, and spit into the sink.